28 Day Better Body Detox

Journeys of the Joyful Heart

Detoxing from the things that are hurting you, so you can have a more radiant and energized life...

✅ A structured program to help you consistently focus on healthy lifestyle habits that will last a lifetime

✅ With proven strategies and techniques + personalized support from your very own success team

Detoxing your body of the things that are hurting you; so you can have a more radiant and energized life

✅ A structured program to help you focus on

healthy lifestyle habits that will last a lifetime

✅ With proven strategies + personalized support

from your very own success team

Does any of this sound familiar? 

▪️ Chronic pain that keeps you from doing the things you love

▪️ Headaches & migraines knocking you down and interfering with your life

▪️ Weight gain, no matter how little you eat or how much you exercise

▪️ Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, burping or reflux
▪️ Low libido that interferes with a happy healthy sex life

▪️ PMS and irregular periods creating stress and/or discomfort

▪️ Infertility that may be unexplained or due to cysts, endometriosis or fibroids

▪️ Fatigue and/or disrupted sleep impacting your quality of life

▪️ Hot flashes making you miserable and feeling less sexy

▪️ Brain fog & failing memory that put a damper on your productivity

▪️ Depression & anxiety leaving you unmotivated & lacking happiness in life

▪️ Skin issues that make you self-conscious and embarrassed

Does any of this sound familiar? 

▪️ Chronic pain that keeps you from doing the things you love

▪️ Headaches & migraines knocking you down and interfering with your life

▪️ Weight gain, no matter how little you eat or how much you exercise

▪️ Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, burping or reflux

▪️ Low libido that interferes with a happy healthy sex life

▪️ PMS and irregular periods creating stress and/or discomfort

▪️ Infertility that may be unexplained or due to cysts, endometriosis or fibroids

▪️ Fatigue and/or disrupted sleep impacting your quality of life

▪️ Hot flashes making you miserable and feeling less sexy

▪️ Brain fog & failing memory that put a damper on your productivity

▪️ Depression & anxiety leaving you unmotivated & lacking happiness in life

▪️ Skin issues that make you self-conscious and embarrassed

Inside the 28 Day Better Body Detox program:

This 28 day Better Body Detox isn't just a cleanse diet, but a structured program to help you focus on healthy lifestyle habits that will last a lifetime. It is designed to make cooking healthy meals easy and simple to incorporate into your busy life.  There are daily 5-10 minute videos, a recipe book with photos for each meal, a guide book that includes meal plans, whole-food supplement routine, and activities designed specifically to help remove toxins from the body and your environment.

The supplements support the body in gently releasing toxins and reducing inflammation.  The whole foods recipes provide an abundance of nutritious protein, vegetables and fruits, which will purify and nourish your body.  Exercise, hydration, and stress relieving activities suggested throughout the 28 days help you achieve a healthy weight, digestive health, hormone balance and being pain free. A successful detox program looks at the body as a whole and contains healthy eating, gentle exercise and mindfulness.

The Better Body Detox shows you HOW you can get out of the overwhelm and reclaim your radiant and vibrant health.

Inside the 28 Day Better

Body Detox program:

This 28 day Better Body Detox isn't just a cleanse diet, but a structured program to help you focus on healthy lifestyle habits that will last a lifetime. It is designed to make cooking healthy meals easy and simple to incorporate into your busy life.  There are daily 5-10 minute videos, a recipe book with photos for each meal, a guide book that includes meal plans, whole-food supplement routine, and activities designed specifically to help remove toxins from the body and your environment.

The supplements support the body in gently releasing toxins and reducing inflammation.  The whole foods recipes provide an abundance of nutritious protein, vegetables and fruits, which will purify and nourish your body.  Exercise, hydration, and stress relieving activities suggested throughout the 28 days help you achieve a healthy weight, digestive health, hormone balance and being pain free. A successful detox program looks at the body as a whole and contains healthy eating, gentle exercise and mindfulness.

Inside Better Body Detox

Week 1 : Mobilization

This week you will be preparing your body and mind for what’s ahead so that you have a smooth and pleasant experience. You will begin reducing certain foods and beverages, learn about hidden toxins lurking in plain sight and do a self-assessment of how they affect you. You’ll receive a set of recipes, meal planning guide + tips and tricks for easy meal prep. The emphasis will be on food shopping, preparation and receiving supplements that complement the detox process.

What’s Included in the program :

▪️ 15-minute online live introduction

▪️ Two 30-minute coaching calls

▪️ Email support throughout

▪️ Detox supplements included

▪️ Meal planning guide

▪️ Daily 5-10 minute videos

▪️ Lifetime access to the online program

▪️ Recipe book with photos for each meal

▪️ Guide & Workbook including stress reducing activities

Did you grab your FREE eBook :

Is Your Home Making You Sick?

Download the free guide to discover the top 5 sources of hidden toxins in your home and how you can protect yourself from them.

Week 1 : Mobilization

This week you will be preparing your body and mind for what’s ahead so that you have a smooth and pleasant experience. You will begin reducing certain foods and beverages, learn about hidden toxins lurking in plain sight and do a self-assessment of how they affect you. You’ll receive a set of recipes, meal planning guide + tips and tricks for easy meal prep. The emphasis will be on food shopping, preparation and receiving supplements that complement the detox process.

Week 2 and 3 : Elimination

These two weeks focus on meals that specifically and gently detox the body.  It’s important to remember this is not a STARVATION CLEANSE. During this time, you will be eating healthy and nourishing whole foods that will energize and nourish your body. This will also help in reducing inflammation as well as gently detoxing the liver, kidneys and bowels.  We address how to deal with cravings and our techniques to boost your metabolism. You'll also learn to create healthy habits and implement them consistently that can last a lifetime.

Week 4 - Discovery

You will learn the best way to slowly reintroduce other foods into your diet allowing you to see how the body responds to them. In the end, you will know which foods help your body thrive, and which ones deliver a whammy and throw you out of commission for hours or even days. Once you have completed this detox, you’ll have a new understanding of how food fuels all body systems, from digestion to nervous system and anything in between. Now you can make smart food choices to support your body & vitality.

Did you grab your FREE eBook : Is Your Home Making You Sick?

Download the free guide to discover the top 5 sources of hidden toxins lurking in your home and how you can effectively protect yourself from them.

What’s Included in the program :

▪️ 15-minute online live introduction

▪️ Two 30-minute coaching calls

▪️ Email support throughout

▪️ Detox supplements included

▪️ Meal planning guide

▪️ Daily 5-10 minute videos

▪️ Lifetime access to the online program

▪️ Recipe book with photos for each meal

▪️ Guide & Workbook including stress reducing activities

Ready Set Go! This Is the Best Yet Easiest Way To Make Cleansing Fun and Enjoyable With A

Step-by-Step Guide To Achieve Great Health and Feel Amazing.

Week 2 and 3 : Elimination

These two weeks focus on meals that specifically and gently detox the body.  It’s important to remember this is not a STARVATION CLEANSE. During this time, you will be eating healthy and nourishing whole foods that will energize and nourish your body. This will also help in reducing inflammation as well as gently detoxing the liver, kidneys and bowels.  We address how to deal with cravings and our techniques to boost your metabolism. You'll also learn to create healthy habits and implement them consistently that can last a lifetime.

More reasons to sign up now :​​

✅ Get the top 5 recipes for radiant youthful skin

✅ Learn the top 10 toxic ingredients that are highly inflammatory for your body

✅ Discover 3 brain booster secrets that'll help you

improve memory and ward off dementia

✅ Explore the relationship between prebiotics and probiotics for better digestion & immunity


What’s Included :

▪️ 15-minute online live introduction

▪️ Two 30-minute coaching calls

▪️ Email support throughout

▪️ Detox supplements included

▪️ Meal planning guide

▪️ Daily 5-10 minute videos

▪️ Lifetime access to the online program

▪️ 73-page recipe book with photos for each meal

▪️ 50-page workbook including stress reducing activities

More reasons to sign up now :​​

✅ Get the top 5 recipes for radiant youthful skin

✅ Learn the top 10 toxic ingredients that are highly inflammatory for your body

✅ Discover 3 brain booster secrets that'll help you

improve memory and ward off dementia

✅ Explore the relationship between prebiotics and probiotics for better digestion & immunity


What’s Included :

▪️ 15-minute online live introduction

▪️ Two 30-minute coaching calls

▪️ Email support throughout

▪️ Detox supplements included

▪️ Meal planning guide

▪️ Daily 5-10 minute videos

▪️ Lifetime access to the online program

▪️ 73-page recipe book with photos for each meal

▪️ 50-page workbook including stress reducing activities

Ready Set Go! ​This is the best yet easiest way to make cleansing fun and enjoyable with a step-by-step guide to achieve great health and feel amazing.

More reasons to sign up now :​​

✅ Get the top 5 recipes for radiant youthful skin

✅ Learn the top 10 toxic ingredients that are highly inflammatory for your body

✅ Discover 3 brain booster secrets that'll help you

improve memory and ward off dementia

✅ Explore the relationship between prebiotics and probiotics for better digestion & immunity


Will this detox help me lose weight?  How much weight will I lose?

Yes.  The amount of weight lost is different for everyone and depends on numerous factors.  When following the program the way it is laid out participants lose 3-6 pounds on average.

Can I use a meal prep service for this detox?

We recommend not using a meal prep service.  The detox meals are designed to be simple and easy to prepare.  Using the recipes from the accompanying book ensures control over the ingredients and supports the detox in the best way possible.

Do I have to eat 100% organic during this detox?

No. However, we recommend eating as much organic food as possible to support the detox process without adding more toxins from conventionally grown food.

How will this detox affect my energy levels?

You may experience a slight slump in your energy for 3-5 days in the beginning. Overall, you will see an increase in your energy levels.

Will I be able to go to work and take care of daily chores?

Yes, this detox is designed to be effective and gentle on the body.   

Can I continue with my regular workouts?

Yes, if it is a light or moderate exercise routine.  Exercise supports a detox, but anything extreme will put too much stress on your body. 

Will I be hungry most of the time on this program?

No! There is plenty of delicious food to eat every day. We want you to be satiated and experience the contentment a whole food meal plan provides.

Will I be running to the bathroom constantly?

No! The meals in this program are a balance of whole foods that nourish the body while the supplements help gently mobilize and eliminate toxins.

Do I have to take a lot of supplements?

No. The supplementation begins in week two and you will be taking capsules twice a day to support the body’s natural detoxification pathways in the liver, kidney, and colon.  In addition, you will be drinking one to two protein shakes a day containing a powdered fiber supplement. During the final week, you will only be taking a probiotic once a day.

Am I allowed to eat out at a restaurant during this detox?

We recommend following the program the way it is designed.  If there is no other option than restaurant food, ask for sautéed vegetables, a lean protein without sauce, and small salad with just oil and lemon. 

Is this program something I can do with my family?

Absolutely!  Everyone in your family can benefit from this way of eating.

You do not have to clear your schedule or take 2 vacation weeks to hide in the house to detox.  This is a GENTLE program, with the focus being on healing and nourishing the body.  You can still go to work, take care of the family, and participate in fun activities.

Still not sure if you really need a DETOX? Take the QUIZ here! This quiz will help you determine if you might need a detox. Click the button to get started now!

Still not sure if you really need a DETOX? Take the QUIZ here! This quiz will help you determine if you might need a detox. Click the button below to get started now!

You do not have to clear your schedule or take 2 vacation weeks to hide in the house to detox.  This is a GENTLE program, with the focus being on healing and nourishing the body.  You can still go to work, take care of the family, and participate in fun activities.

Will this detox help me lose weight?  How much weight will I lose?

Yes.  The amount of weight lost is different for everyone and depends on numerous factors.  When following the program the way it is laid out participants lose 3-6 pounds on average.

Can I use a meal prep service for this detox?

We recommend not using a meal prep service.  The detox meals are designed to be simple and easy to prepare.  Using the recipes from the accompanying book ensures control over the ingredients and supports the detox in the best way possible.

Do I have to eat 100% organic during this detox?

No. However, we recommend eating as much organic food as possible to support the detox process without adding more toxins from conventionally grown food.

How will this detox affect my energy levels?

You may experience a slight slump in your energy for 3-5 days in the beginning. Overall, you will see an increase in your energy levels.

Will I be able to go to work and take care of daily chores?

Yes, this detox is designed to be effective and gentle on the body.   

Can I continue with my regular workouts?

Yes, if it is a light or moderate exercise routine.  Exercise supports a detox, but anything extreme will put too much stress on your body. 

Will I be hungry most of the time on this program?

No! There is plenty of delicious food to eat every day. We want you to be satiated and experience the contentment a whole food meal plan provides.

Will I be running to the bathroom constantly?

No! The meals in this program are a balance of whole foods that nourish the body while the supplements help gently mobilize and eliminate toxins.

Do I have to take a lot of supplements?

No. The supplementation begins in week two and you will be taking capsules twice a day to support the body’s natural detoxification pathways in the liver, kidney, and colon.  In addition, you will be drinking one to two protein shakes a day containing a powdered fiber supplement. During the final week, you will only be taking a probiotic once a day.

Am I allowed to eat out at a restaurant during this detox?

We recommend following the program the way it is designed.  If there is no other option than restaurant food, ask for sautéed vegetables, a lean protein without sauce, and small salad with just oil and lemon. 

Is this program something I can do with my family?

Absolutely!  Everyone in your family can benefit from this way of eating.

Brittany B.

I experienced a remarkable transformation

"Prior to starting the 28 Day Better Body Detox, I was feeling sluggish, bloated, and had low energy levels. After completing the detox, I experienced a remarkable transformation - inside and out. Not only did I shed unwanted pounds and inches, but I also felt a significant boost in my energy, improved digestion, and an overall sense of well-being. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a fresh way of thinking and a revitalized body."

Cheryl V.

I was amazed at the results I noticed

"I was struggling with horrible periods for most of my life due to endometriosis. They were heavy, painful, irregular and along with that also came headaches and digestive issues. After working with Birgit and Nicole to better my nutrition and detox my body, I was amazed at the results I noticed. My periods are easier, more regular and not so painful. My digestive issues have gone and overall I have more energy and stamina during the day and quicker recovery after my workouts."

Amanda P.

I would recommend everyone

"Before I began the detox, I was not feeling my best self. I was always waking up tired and groggy, dealing with bloating by midday, and felt as though I was in a constant brain fog as I juggled basic life tasks. However, as I progressed through the program and truly cleansed my body of toxins, I had more energy, lost weight, and the brain fog lifted providing me with clarity. It was a positive experience that I would recommend everyone do for themselves at least once a year."

More reasons to sign up now :​​

✅ Get the top 5 recipes for radiant youthful skin

✅ Learn the top 10 toxic ingredients that are highly inflammatory for your body

✅ Discover 3 brain booster secrets that'll help you improve memory and ward off dementia

✅ Explore the relationship between prebiotics and probiotics for better digestion & immunity


Brittany B.

I experienced a remarkable transformation!

"Prior to starting the detox, I was feeling sluggish, bloated, and had low energy levels. After completing the 28-day detox, I experienced a remarkable transformation - inside and out. Not only did I shed unwanted pounds and inches, but I also felt a significant boost in my energy, improved digestion, and an overall sense of well-being. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a fresh way of thinking and a revitalized body."

Cheryl V.

I was amazed at the results I noticed!

"I was struggling with horrible periods for most of my life due to endometriosis. They were heavy, painful, irregular and along with that also came headaches and digestive issues. After working with Birgit and Nicole to better my nutrition and detox my body I was amazed at the results I noticed. My periods are easier, more regular and not so painful. My digestive issues have gone and overall I have more energy and stamina during the day and quicker recovery after my workouts."

Amanda P.

I would recommend everyone!

"Before I began the detox I was not feeling my best self. I was always waking up tired and groggy, dealing with bloating by midday, and felt as though I was in a constant brain fog as I juggled basic life tasks. However, as I progressed through the program and truly cleansed my body of toxins, I had more energy, lost weight, and the brain fog lifted providing me with clarity. It was a positive experience that I would recommend everyone do for themselves at least once a year."

Presented by Birgit Witherspoon, MS, HHC & Nicole Stone, MS, LAc

Birgit is a holistic health coach, nutritionist and certified toxicity & detox specialist. Nicole is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, specializing in gynecology and fertility. Together they have more than 35 yrs of experience leading workshops and working with clients in their private practices.

Their commitment is to help guide men and women looking to transform their health (and lives) and align with who they are. They have each had their own personal and health journeys to navigate through in their lives. And they understand very well the commitment that goes into physical, emotional and spiritual healing. They know the journey can have its ups and downs and that it is easier when you have people along the way who say, “been there, done that”. No matter how many years you have been struggling, you can always turn it around. Birgit and Nicole break it down into simple-to-follow processes that have you finishing each of their courses exclaiming “I did it & I feel awesome!”

Presented by Birgit Witherspoon, MS, HHC & Nicole Stone, MS, LAc

Birgit is a holistic health coach, nutritionist and certified toxicity & detox specialist.  Nicole is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, specializing in gynecology and fertility. Together they have more than 35 years of experience leading workshops and working with clients in their private practices.  

Their commitment is to help guide men and women looking to transform their health (and lives) and align with who they are.  They have each had their own personal and health journeys to navigate through in their lives. And they understand very well the commitment that goes into physical, emotional and spiritual healing.  They know the journey can have its ups and downs and that it is easier when you have people along the way who say, “been there, done that”. No matter how many years you have been struggling, you can always turn it around.  Birgit and Nicole break it down into simple-to-follow processes that have you finishing each of their courses exclaiming “I did it & I feel awesome!”

© Journeys of the Joyful Heart - All Rights Reserved.

Founded by Birgit and Nicole

© Journeys of the Joyful Hearts -

All Rights Reserved.